Thursday, February 8, 2018

Healthy Balance Diet & Nutrition

  Nutrition Tips For Improving Your Health
you can improve your health by keeping a balanced diet
Balance diet and Nutrition 
You can improve your health by keeping a balanced diet. You should eat foods foods that contain vitamins and minerals. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and a source of protein. ... You may need to improve your eating habits for better nutrition.

What is Healthy Balance Diet?
A good diet is important for our health and can help us feel our best - but what is a good diet? Apart from breastmilk as a food for babies, no single food contains all the essential nutrients the body needs to stay healthy and work properly. For this reason, our diets should contain a variety of different foods, to help us get the wide range of nutrients that our bodies need.
A healthy diet should provide us with the right amount of energy
Health and Nutrition

How much food do I need to have a healthy diet?
A healthy diet should provide us with the right amount of energy (calories or kilojoules), from foods and drinks to maintain energy balance. Energy balance is where the calories taken in from the diet are equal to the calories used by the body. We need these calories to carry out everyday tasks such as walking and moving about, but also for all the functions of the body we may not even think about. Processes like breathing, pumping blood around the body and thinking also require calories.
So, foods and drinks provide the calories we need to go about our daily lives, but consuming more calories than we need over a period of time will cause weight gain. This is because, any extra calories we consume but we don’t use, will just be stored as fat.
Over 70% of adults in the world  are overweight or obese. There is also a huge concern about childhood obesity, where 1 in 3 children aged 4-5, and 1 in 5 children aged 10-11, are overweight or obese. Being overweight as a child increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers in adulthood. So, maintaining a healthy weight is really important for health.
How much energy you need from foods and drinks depends on many different things, such as how active you are. But, on average:
Eating only as many calories as you need will help to maintain a healthy weight. However, the foods and drinks you choose need to be the right ones, and in the right proportions to stay healthy
Healthy Diet and Exercise for Healthy Heart
making changes to your  diet may also be beneficial
Improve health by healthy diet

Path to improved health

It can be hard to change your eating habits. It helps if you focus on small changes. Making changes to your diet may also be beneficial if you have diseases that can be made worse by things you are eating or drinking. Symptoms from conditions such as kidney disease, lactose intolerance, and celiac disease can all benefit from changes in diet. Below are suggestions to improve your health. Be sure to stay in touch with your doctor so they know how you are doing.
Find the strong and weak points in your current diet. Do you eat 4-5 cups of fruits and vegetables every day? Do you get enough calcium? Do you eat whole grain, high-fiber foods? If so, you’re on the right track! Keep it up. If not, add more of these foods to your daily diet.
Keep track of your food intake by writing down what you eat and drink every day. This record will help you assess your diet. You’ll see if you need to eat more or less from certain food groups.
Think about asking for help from a dietitian. They can help you follow a special diet, especially if you have a health issue.
Almost everyone can benefit from cutting back on unhealthy fat. If you currently eat a lot of fat, commit to cutting back and changing your habits. Unhealthy fats include things such as: dark chicken meat; poultry skin; fatty cuts of pork, beef, and lamb; and high-fat dairy foods (whole milk, butter, cheeses). Ways to cut back on unhealthy fats include:
Rather than fried meals can use vegetable and fruits its help to boast your metabolism
Vegetables & Fruits

Rather than frying meat, bake, grill, or broil it. Take off the skin before cooking chicken or turkey. Try eating fish at least once a week.

Reduce any extra fat. This includes butter on bread, sour cream on baked potatoes, and salad dressings. Use low-fat or nonfat versions of these foods.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with your meals and as snacks.

Read the nutrition labels on foods before you buy them. If you need help with the labels, ask your doctor or dietitian.

When you eat out, be aware of hidden fats and larger portion sizes.                  
Stying Hydrated is important for good health drink zero or low calories beverage
Low calories Beverage          

Staying hydrated is important for good health. Drink zero- or low-calorie beverages, such as water or tea. Sweetened drinks add lots of sugar and calories to your diet. This includes fruit juice, soda, sports and energy drinks, sweetened or flavored milk, and sweetened iced tea.

  • Note:

Doctors and dietitians suggest making healthy eating habits a part of daily life rather than following fad diets. Nutrition tips and diets from different sources can be misleading. Keep in mind the advice below, and always check with your doctor first.

Secret diets aren’t the answer. Fad or short-term diets may promise to help you lose weight fast. However, they are hard to keep up with and could be unhealthy.

Good nutrition doesn’t come in a pill. Try eating a variety of foods instead. Your body benefits most from healthy whole foods. Only take vitamins that your doctor prescribes.
Diet programs or products can confuse you with their claims. Most people in these ads get paid for their endorsements. They don’t talk about side effects, problems, or regained weight.

Balance Nutritions and regular Exercise are good for your Health.These habits can help you lose and maintain weight.Try to Realistic goal.They could be making some of small diet.change listed above and walking daily.

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Hello and greetings, I am Sana Rasheed, a food blogger, YouTuber, photographer, and author behind the blog "My Yummy Traditional Foods". I started this food blog in February 2018. Here, you can find recipes with step-by-step photos to help you make delicious and tasty dishes. I offer a wide variety of recipes for all types of food. I have been passionate about cooking since childhood, and I believe in the values of honesty, hard work, and humor. Self-reliance is not about tackling everything on your own, but rather making practical choices to enhance your life. You can achieve it too.2190

