Wednesday, February 14, 2018

How to Work Fiber Diets For Weight Loss

Best Fiber & weight Loss
Who added more fibers to their diets without changing anything else lost almost as much weight as people who followed the low fat
High Fiber Diet

A recent study found that people who added more Fibers to their diets -- without changing anything else -- lost almost as much weight as people who followed the heart-healthy, low-fat eating plan recommended by the American Heart Association.
The study added to a growing body of evidence that people who eat more fiber tend to have a healthier body weight.
While high-fiber foods tend to be healthy (think: fruit, veggies, whole grains), what proved equally important was that this kind of diet was easier to stick to than the other, more structured approach.
Fiber is a well known nutrient but not well understood
Boost Your Health with Fiber
Fiber is a well known nutrient, but not well understood.Put simply, fiber refers to carbohydrates that cannot be digested by humans.They are classified as either soluble or insoluble, depending on whether they dissolve in liquids.Insoluble fibers function mostly as "bulking" agents and are not very interesting.However... soluble fiber can have powerful effects on health and metabolism.
Several studies show that soluble fiber can help you lose fat but this fiber must have certain properties.
Its a carbohydrate found in plant foods like fruits,vegetables and whole grains

What Is Fiber?

It's a carbohydrate found in plant foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Unlike other carbs, it isn’t easily digested by your body, so it passes quickly through your system without causing your blood sugar to rise.
All fruits and vegetables have fiber, but it’s mostly concentrated in the skin, seeds, and membranes. That means an apple with the skin on has more fiber than a peeled banana. Some of the richest fruit sources of it are whole berries like raspberries and strawberries, says Tracie Jackson, RD, a nutrition therapist with the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
"Rather than scooping grapefruit out of the little juice pockets, peeling it like an orange and eating it will give you more fiber," she says.
So how much do you need in order to lose extra pounds or stay at a healthy weight? Women under 50 years old should aim to get 25 grams of fiber a day, and men should shoot for 38 grams. Some experts recommend even more.
Americans get only about half that, which means we're missing out not only on the weight benefit, but also a lower risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
it is estimated that around 100 trillion bacteria live in the human gut primarily in the large intestine
Friendly Bacteria

Fiber Feeds The Friendly Bacteria in The Gut:
It is estimated that around 100 trillion bacteria live in the human gut, primarily in the large intestine.These bacteria are known as the gut flora.Having bacteria in the gut may sound undesirable, but this is actually a good thing.Different types (species) of bacteria play important roles in various aspects of health, including weight management, blood sugar control, immunity and even brain function.Just like other organisms, bacteria need to eat well to stay healthy.This is where fiber (mostly soluble) steps in... 
it passes through the digestive system mostly unchanged, eventually reaching the friendly bacteria in the intestine who end up digesting the fiber and turning it into usable energy.Nourishing the friendly bacteria in the intestine is known as a prebiotic effect, and is believed to be very beneficial for health and body weight .
Another type of fiber called resistant starch behaves in a similar manner          
fiber has no magical fat burning properties it simply helps you feel without adding a lot of extra calories to your diet
Fiber help with weight loss

How Does It Help With Weight Loss?

Fiber has no magical fat-burning properties. It simply helps you feel full without adding a lot of extra calories to your diet. When you have a baked potato (with skin) instead of a bag of potato chips, for example, you’re not only eating fewer calories --

 you’re less likely to feel hungry again an hour later.It's choosing the most intelligent calories," says Rebecca Blake, director of clinical nutrition at Mount Sinai Beth Israel in New York City.  How exactly does fiber guard against hunger pangs? Simple: It fills your stomach, stimulating receptors that tell your brain that it’s time to stop eating.

You'll also need to drink plenty of H20, about eight glasses a day, to move fiber through your digestive system, and that helps against hunger too. "All that water contributes to feelings of fullness and controls thirst, which can often be confused with hunger," says Stephanie Polizzi, a registered dietitian nutritionist.The "soluble" type of fiber, which absorbs water, forms a kind of gel inside your gut, slowing the absorption of sugars into your bloodstream. Lower blood sugar levels mean lower insulin levels -- and that means your body is less likely to store fat.

that is more calories (energy) need to be leaving the body then entering it
Viscous Fiber
Viscous Fiber May Reduce Your Appetite, Helping You Eat Less Without Trying:
we need to be in calorie deficit to lose weight.That is, more calories (energy) need to be leaving the body than entering it.Anything that reduces our appetite can make us take in fewer calories without having to think about it.Fiber is often believed to have this effect...
 that is, making us feel more satiated so that we eat less.However, according to the evidence, only a specific type of fiber does this.A recent review of 44 studies found that while 39% of fiber treatments increased satiety, only 22% actually reduced food intake .If we break it down further, it seems that the more viscous a fiber is, the better it is at reducing appetite and food intake.Put simply, the viscosity of a substance refers to its resistance to stress - as in, the "thickness" of a liquid. For example, 
honey is much more viscous than water.Viscous soluble fibers such as pectins, β-glucans, psyllium, glucomannan and guar gum all thicken in water, forming a gel-like substance that "sits" in the gut.This gel slows down the emptying of the stomach and increases the time it takes to digest and absorb nutrients. The end result is a prolonged feeling of fullness and a significantly reduced appetite.There is some evidence that the weight loss effects of fiber target the belly fat specifically, which is the harmful fat in the abdominal cavity that is strongly associated with metabolic disease.
there are 2 different types of fiber soluble and insoluble both are important
Soluble & Insoluble
What are Soluble & Insoluble Fibers?
There are 2 different types of fiber -- soluble and insoluble. Both are important for health, digestion, and preventing diseases.
Soluble fiber attracts water and turns to gel during digestion. This slows digestion. Soluble fiber is found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, peas, and some fruits and vegetables. It is also found in psyllium, a common fiber supplement. Some types of soluble fiber may help lower risk of heart disease.
Insoluble fiber is found in foods such as wheat bran, vegetables, and whole grains. It adds bulk to the stool and appears to help food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines.
soluble fiber comes in contact with water,insoluble fiber helps to trap the fat molecules and acts
Fiber Function

Soluble Or Insoluble Fiber – Which One Is Ideal For Weight Loss?

Depending on the property to dissolve in liquids. When soluble fiber comes in contact with water, it is converted into a viscous material and slows down food absorption in the large intestine. This makes you feel full for a long duration.Insoluble fiber helps to trap the fat molecules and acts as a stool bulking agent and prevents the absorption of fats. It is more helpful for those suffering from constipation as it increases bulk and promotes bowel movement.
Therefore, it is clear that if you want to lose weight, you should look at food sources that are rich in soluble fiber along with a good amount of insoluble fiber. Now, let’s find out how fiber aids weight loss
though high fiber foods are great for weight loss they should avoided if you are suffering from IBS
High Fiber Food
Who Should Avoid High-Fiber Foods
Though high-fiber foods are great for weight loss, they should be avoided if you are suffering from IBS, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn’s disease. If you have shown any symptoms of stomach irritability recently, talk to your doctor before deciding to start this diet for weight loss.You can lose weight rapidly by eating fiber-rich foods and also maintain the weight by choosing a healthy lifestyle. So go ahead and achieve your weight loss goals in no time! 

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Hello and greetings, I am Sana Rasheed, a food blogger, YouTuber, photographer, and author behind the blog "My Yummy Traditional Foods". I started this food blog in February 2018. Here, you can find recipes with step-by-step photos to help you make delicious and tasty dishes. I offer a wide variety of recipes for all types of food. I have been passionate about cooking since childhood, and I believe in the values of honesty, hard work, and humor. Self-reliance is not about tackling everything on your own, but rather making practical choices to enhance your life. You can achieve it too.2190

