Monday, March 5, 2018

Smart People Never Repeat Mistakes

10 Mistake Smart people Never Repeat Twice
a wiser never repeat mistake & learn from mistakes

We make mistakes all of the time. Both recognizing and learning from them in the midst of everything else happening in life is difficult. What differentiates those gaining higher success is their ability to learn from these failures and not repeat them.
And you’ll be surprised, but a number of studies have shown that highly successful people have one thing in common – they analyze their mistakes, take all the good knowledge and move on.
So what if there is really a way to finally reach this key awakening that successful people go through that will absolutely change your life? I bet the first thing you would say is “Easier said than done!”
But at the end of the day, we are all destined to succeed. We are all destined to have a thriving business, amazing relationship with our spouse, friends, and children, and meaningful experiences.
when we make mistakes it can be hard to admit
Successful people always learn from their mistakes

Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” – Bruce Lee

When we make mistakes, it can be hard to admit them because doing so feels like an attack on our self-worth. This tendency poses a huge problem because new research proves something that common sense has told us for a very long time: that fully acknowledging and embracing errors is the only way to avoid repeating them.
Some mistakes are so tempting that we all make them at one point or another. Smart people learn from these mistakes and never make them twice.

never do repeat their mistake twice
Successful people never do mistake twice

Looking back emotionally:

Forgetting the negative things and keeping only the good memories is a natural human reaction. But if you always keep looking back with nostalgia, thinking that a job, a relationship or any situation wasn’t really so bad, you will always miss the amazing things that are coming your way. Remember, you cannot keep doing the same things and expect different results!
if you define your success with money you will find that the amount you earn
Putting a dollar
Putting a dollar amount on success:
If you define your success with money, you will find that the amount you earn is never enough. There is always more to be earned. Instead, happy people equate their success with satisfaction and happiness in life.If you are happy making a thousand dollars a month because it satisfies all your needs, then be happy. Don’t stop yourself because someone else told you a thousand dollars is not enough. Tune into yourself and ask whether you need more; if yes, strive for it. But not at the cost of your own happiness!
upon achieving a basic level of success
worrying about people
Worrying about people who do not like them:
Upon achieving even a basic level of success, there will likely be others who are jealous of you or do not like you. Worrying about those people and trying to please everyone takes attention away from what really matters.Successful people tend to have a time in their lives when they realize that worrying about the "haters" is not productive. 
From there on out, they are able to forget about them and focus on the people who do matter. Doing so increases their confidence and productivity.You will have haters and people who dislike things you do at many points in your life. Learn from them and make changes if needed. Most of the time however, you'll just want to ignore them. It's not productive and will not lead to you becoming the person you need to be.
albert eintien said that insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different
happy people
Doing the same thing again & again and expecting a different result:
Albert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Despite his popularity and cutting insight, there are a lot of people who seem determined that two plus two will eventually equal five. Smart people, on the other hand, need only experience this frustration once. The fact is simple:
If you keep the same approach, you’ll keep getting the same results, no matter how much you hope for the opposite. Smart people know that if they want a different result, they need to change their approach, even when it’s painful to do so.
we are weird species,we forget what is while we focus on what is not
magic word
Forgetting the magic word:
We are a weird species. We forget what is while we focus on what is not. To remind yourself of the small things that bring happiness in your life, keep a gratitude journal. Say, “Thank you,” to the Universe, Source, Allah(God) or whatever you call it). Psychological research suggests we are happy when we are grateful for what we already have.To ‘prove’ this, try writing down three things that went well during a day. Keep doing this for a week, every night, with a causal explanation of why you are grateful for that experience.
Notice how you feel after each exercise. In an experiment in 2005, different groups of participants were asked to do the same. At the one-month follow up meeting, the people who used this exercise were happier and less depressed than they had been at the prior meeting. They continued the exercise and stayed happier in the future follow-ups
highly successful people realize that the decisions of our part are the architects
Blaming others
Blaming the circumstances:
Highly successful people realize that the decisions of our past are the architects of our present. They do not deny that sometimes we just weren’t in the best situation possible, but they never forget to ask themselves “What was my role in that situation?” They made a choice. You made a choice. Every day, every hour, every minute– you do.
So instead of blaming faith, people, education, government – just look back and free yourself from the decisions that led you to negative results. You chose to stay on a job you disliked? You’ve neglected your own desires for someone else? Great!
And the best thing is – once you analyze and learn the lesson, you’ll never go back there again; you’ll never have to feel the same. Sounds good, doesn’t it?
 Making emotionally driven important decisions:
It just takes one poor emotionally driven decision to mess things up big time. This could be with work, with a partner or in another area of life. When we are experiencing intense emotions, we tend to have a clouded judgment that can be very detrimental. Successful people have learned to take a step back and clear their minds before making key decisions.
a philosopher said forget all mistakes that you did deliberate or un deliberate
Remember the lesson of life

Speaking ill of others:

It may be tempting to gossip about others behind their back, but when you talk negatively, you take in the negative energy yourself.Think about the last time you spoke (or thought) badly of someone behind their back. How did you feel afterwards? Not overly enthusiastic, for sure. Instead, focus on others’ strengths and positive habits and highlight what makes them special.
Searching for happiness on the outside:
Agnes Repplier, an American essayist once said: “It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere. “
As we are educating generations and generations in a world, highly dependable on owning rather than being, we keep convincing ourselves that our success and our happiness is measured by what we have, by what we work, by who we marry. And if we just have these things, then we will be successful and happy.
Instead, really successful people have come to realize that our inner world actually controls our success on the outside. Research proves this. The only thing we need to change in order to succeed is our mindset. Happiness is always an inside job.
when life gets you down,it's easy to rationalize your perception
not being honest yourself 
Not being honest with themselves:
When life gets you down, it is easy to rationalize your perception of the world or blame your problems on others. Most successful people realize they need to take accountability for their own actions. Blaming others does not accomplish anything, even when someone else might be partially to blame. When you start a business this can be particularly hard when you put so much on yourself. I've personally been through this countless times, you will have a million things going through your head. It becomes overwhelming.
Instead, taking the blame and being honest with oneself is a huge step toward success. Doing so will allow you to overcome your vices and be much more receptive to feedback and change. It will also help you to learn to delegate. As an entrepreneur, you'll have to learn this important skill.

Neglecting our intuition:

If you consider that success is really about finding and following your true calling – then why would you do anything that keeps away from this goal? Whenever they start a project or make a decision, successful people ask themselves: “Why am I doing this? Is this the real me?”Make a little experiment and try to use this technique on a daily basis. Let go of all things that your inner self is saying: “No!” and just observe how life is changing for better.

Losing sight of the big picture:
It’s so easy to become head-down busy, working so hard on what’s right in front of you that you lose sight of the big picture. But smart people learn how to keep this in check by weighing their daily priorities against a carefully calculated goal. It’s not that they don’t care about small-scale work, they just have the discipline and perspective to adjust their course as necessary. Life is all about the big picture, and when you lose sight of it, everything suffers.
Lying is lead to failure: 
Lying is almost never a good thing. That is especially true in high-stress situations. Despite the immediate gratification or the conflict that it might prevent, lying nearly always tends to be detrimental down the road. All it takes is one bad lie for millionaires to realize that they should stop being dishonest.
There are definitely successful people that do lie, but they have accumulated their success and wealth in the wrong ways. They are at higher risk of getting caught and losing what they have worked for. Plus, they are morally in the red and tend to have bad reputations that will manifest themselves at some point.
Choosing comfort over achieving our goals:
Life is full of temptations. One of the biggest difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the first realize there are no shortcuts to real success.
It takes time and hard work to achieve your goals. But if you stop at any comfy cabin on the way, how will you ever get to the castle waiting just for you at the end of the road?
Worrying about the little things:
The more you focus on how someone hurt you last year by making a mean statement, the more you will hold on to anger, negativity and resentment. All these take a whole lot of your energy for nothing in return.Perhaps the other person feels miserable, too. Perhaps they are holding a grudge against you. No one is happy that way. To forgive and forget is hard but pays well in the long run. You will be free from the shackles of the negative bond, and you have more room for better experiences in your life.
Never changing their mind:
Sometimes being stubborn can be positive, but never all of the time. There are situations when our biases have swayed us in one particular direction and we are adamantly against change.The most successful people have learned from these moments when they were wrong. Moving forward, they are able to push back on their own perceptions and ideas in order to achieve a higher level and quality of thinking.
because life will change and winners are really those who make the most of this moments in order to make it a moments worth
never change your mind
Forgetting it life is always changing:
Have you read the story about King Solomon’s special ring? This too shall pass. Whether it is good or bad, nothing in life is permanent. On your way to success don’t take your eyes off the big picture and start believing that this is never the whole story.
Because life will change. And winners are really those who make the most of this moment in order to make it a moment worth remembering.
In the end, we all make mistakes. And success does not happen by accident, it is something that happens once you recognize which path led to this mistake and just cross it off your map.
Successful people think differently, act differently and ultimately distinguish themselves from unsuccessful people by simply making the choice to never repeat what didn’t work.
Being true to yourself and loving yourself is the biggest revolution in life, and this is the success we need to aim for in our business and life. So just take this first step – it doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you never stop.
Thank you so much for your time! Feel free to share with someone who will benefit from this article.
How to Get healthy lifestyle 

Hello and greetings, I am Sana Rasheed, a food blogger, YouTuber, photographer, and author behind the blog "My Yummy Traditional Foods". I started this food blog in February 2018. Here, you can find recipes with step-by-step photos to help you make delicious and tasty dishes. I offer a wide variety of recipes for all types of food. I have been passionate about cooking since childhood, and I believe in the values of honesty, hard work, and humor. Self-reliance is not about tackling everything on your own, but rather making practical choices to enhance your life. You can achieve it too.2190

