Friday, April 27, 2018

How to Stop Snoring Naturally


Snoring can result in poor sleep for you and whoever you share a room with. It is caused by the relaxation of muscles in the roof of your mouth, tongue and throat which can block your airways and cause vibration. You don’t always have to use fancy medication and drastic measures to stop it. but snoring is serious business.For one, a snoring spouse often keeps the other person from a good night's sleep.

which can eventually lead to separate bedrooms. "Snoring can create real problems in a marriage," says Daniel P. Slaughter, MD, an otolaryngologist and snoring expert at Capital Otolaryngology in Austin, Texas.
Not only is snoring a nuisance, but 75% of people who snore have obstructive sleep apnea (when breathing is disrupted during sleep for short periods), which increases the risk of developing heart disease, Slaughter says.

Snoring can have a number of different causes, including anatomical and structural abnormalities, alcohol use, smoking, obesity, allergies, upper respiratory infections (URIs) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)While some serious snoring conditions such as sleep apnea can require medical intervention, mild cases of snoring can often be cured by adjusting your sleeping patterns, following a few strategies and making some lifestyle changes. Here are seven ways in which you can cut out your snoring habit with simple, natural remedies.
Lose weight if you are overweight:
 This will help reduce the amount of tissue in the throat that might be causing your snoring. You can lose weight by reducing your overall caloric intake by eating smaller portions and more healthy foods.
The NHS says, ‘Being overweight by just a few kilos can lead to snoring. Fatty tissue around your neck squeezes the airway and prevents air flowing in and out freely’. Eating healthily and introducing exercise into your lifestyle is a safe way to lose weight.
Change your Sleep position:
 If your snoring problem is minor, this just might do the trick. The biggest difficulty may become how to keep you on your side. Using a body pillow could be useful in maintaining the position. you can recline the bed with the head up and extended, which opens up nasal airway passages and may help prevent snoring. This may cause neck pain, however." If snoring continues regardless of the sleep position, obstructive sleep apnea may be a cause. "See a doctor in this case," Chokroverty says.
 Reduce bedroom allergens:
Nasal congestion and inflammation caused by allergies is a common cause of snoring’. You can reduce the risk of allergens in your bedroom by hovering soft furnishings like curtains and carpets. You should also get a new pillow at least once every two years and change your sheets and pillowcases every 1-2 weeks.
Avoid to do things before going to be:

Bed is only use for sleeping, do not watch TV or look at your phone About an hour before bed, turn off all of your electronics and dim the lights of your phone and computer. Doctors note that our eyes are sensitive to the bluish light emitted by electronic screens.
Avoid eating within three hours of going to bed.
Avoid Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows down your body. While this will help you fall asleep, alcohol also slows down your metabolism and interferes with your brain during its sleep cycles. Light stretching and exercising, such as an evening walk, are probably useful in getting you ready to go sleep.
Peppermint Oil and Goldenseal:
If your snoring occurs because of nasal or chest congestion, pure peppermint oil can relieve the congestion. It’s been shown to be a great essential oil sore throat relief and congestion in the nasal passageways, which in turn could be how to stop snoring for congestion issues.
Goldenseal is another supplement you can use to help relieve congestion in your chest and nasal passages and is typically found in powder, liquid or capsule form. You can even have a cup of herbal tea that contains peppermint or goldenseal. Just make sure you don’t have a tea with caffeine, as that can greatly interrupt your sleep.
Stay hydrated:
Dehydration creates thick mucus in the mouth and throat, which can stick together and cause snoring. The best way to avoid this build up is by drinking enough fluids during the day. The Natural Hydration Council recommends an intake of 2.5 litres of water for men and 2 litres for women per day. They suggest 70-80% should be drunk and the rest should be consumed through foods. Fruit and vegetables are rich in water, so make sure you’re getting your five a day..
Open Nasal Passages:

If snoring starts in your nose, keeping nasal passages open may help. It allows air to move through slower, Slaughter says. "Imagine a narrow garden hose with water running through. The narrower the hose, the faster the water rushes through."
Your nasal passages work similarly. If your nose is clogged or narrowed due to a cold or other blockage, the fast-moving air is more likely to produce snoring.
A hot shower before you go to bed can help open nasal passages, Slaughter says. Also, keep a bottle of saltwater rinse in the shower. "Rinse your nose out with it while you're showering to help open up passages," Slaughter says.
A neti pot could also be used to rinse out the nasal passages with a salt-water solution.
Nasal strips may also work to lift nasal passages and open them up -- if the problem exists in your nose and not within the soft palate.

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