Interesting psychology about Human
The human brain is an interesting and powerful organ, but understanding why it does what it does is a process that we’re still studying. Both the conscious and subconscious mind have significant bearing on our behavior,
The most surprising of the human organs is the brain. It is so amazingly complex and so deep that no human has understood it’s true power to date. It is said that the average human only uses 10 percent of his/her brain capacity in the lifetime. Imagine what will happen if the complete power is used..
Psychology Facts about Human Behaviour
smart people never repeat mistake
Psychology Facts about human body language
We blame a person’s behavior on their personality:
People are so
jealous of their neighbors:
Our real personality is
made by our subconscious mind.
The human brain is an interesting and powerful organ, but understanding why it does what it does is a process that we’re still studying. Both the conscious and subconscious mind have significant bearing on our behavior,
The most surprising of the human organs is the brain. It is so amazingly complex and so deep that no human has understood it’s true power to date. It is said that the average human only uses 10 percent of his/her brain capacity in the lifetime. Imagine what will happen if the complete power is used..
Ever wondered why you feel the way you do, or do the
things you do? The way your mind functions has a lot to do with the way you
are, and the things you do. It's amazing how every 'unique'
mind, at some level, functions similarly.
Now I am sharing with you Interesting
Psychological Facts About Human Behavior. So keep on
reading and you will find the facts about different human behavior.
It might solve some of your head scratching questions.
Sometimes you wonder why the way
any particular person behave. Why is he so annoying. Why he is the way, he is?
I hope you will find some of your bizarre question answer in this post.
Sometimes his behavior can be so destructible that it can not be tolerate

Psychology Facts about Human Behaviour
- People with high levels of testosterone get pleasure from the anger of others.
- Women with higher IQ's: have a harder time to finding mate.
- Intelligent women: would rather remain single than be with the wrong person.
- People with low self-esteem tend to humiliate others. Subjects who were told that the results of their IQ test were poor expressed more national and religious prejudices, than those who reported higher results.
- If you announced to your goal others you're less likely to succeed.Studies confirm to lose your motivation.
- The very last person on your mind before you fall asleep is either the reason for your happiness or your pain.
- People tend to commit immoral acts or do not fulfill someone’s request for help, if no effort is needed and they do not have to refuse a person directly.
- 98%time when someone says they have to ask you a question,you think all the bad things you've done recently
- Lying requires a lot of mental effort. A person who is lying has to keep in mind at the same time the lie – that it to say, and the truth – in order to hide it. As a result, he uses simple sentences and finds it more difficult to cope with mental tasks.
- People regret quick decisions, even if the results are satisfying. Not the actual time allotted for the decision matters, but the feeling that the time was enough.
- People text faster to someone they like most. It is so common with us all. We get so excited chatting with our loved ones that we just cannot wait for their reply. So we text them as soon as possible
smart people never repeat mistake
Psychology Facts about human body language
We blame a person’s behavior on their personality:
Has someone ever cut you off
at a roundabout or intersection and made you really mad, only for you to go on
to do the exact same thing to someone else just 10 minutes later? Although the
person that cut you off infuriated you, you're likely to have justified your
own actions to yourself because you're "in a hurry, and it's just
this once". We tend to attribute our bad behavior to external
forces, and other people’s bad behavior to their internal attributes.
When people are being watched, they behave
And the illusion of being watched works, too.
It was enough to hang a picture of human eyes in a self-service cafeteria, so
that more people began to collect their dishes..
Similarly, the feeling of rigidity and hardness
makes people inflexible.
sitting on hard chairs were more uncompromising in the negotiations. Feeling a
rough surface causes in people a sense of the complexity of human relations,
and cold is tightly connected with the feeling of loneliness.
That they don’t feel satisfied and successful until
they are superior than them.People constantly compare themselves with their neighbors and
their relatives.
sincerely believe that:
negative opinions about others are truthful and have no connection with them and their
self-confidence. In fact, the humiliation of others helps them restore their
own self-esteem.
Psychology Facts about Human Nature
People who spent more time on electronic gadgets:
Have more anger, less tolerance, laziness and more Aggression.
There are two things about gadgets First, they produce rays which are harmful
to human health and Second, laziness is produced because we didn’t use our
physical strength while using them.
People tend to commit immoral acts:
or do not fulfill someone’s
request for help, if no effort is needed and they do not have to refuse a
person directly.
When people feel
that they have no control on a particular situations:
They start believing in
conspiracy theories. Some times this also increases superstition in a person. It
also awakens Spirituality.
The subconscious mind is another
world for us. It’s just like an automatic storing machine that stores/saves too
many things without notifying us. Especially our prompt response or reaction to
any situation are totally depended upon our subconscious mind.
The more
complex the decision to be taken is:
The more people tend to leave things as
they are. If the store has too much choice and people cannot
immediately find out which of the products is better, most probably they will
leave without buying.
More successful and rich people are considered to be more intelligent and wise
,And vice versa. Often, people tend to think that those who are successful or those who suffer deserve it.
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anything regarding this, then please do mention it in the comments section. It
belongs to you all. Always feel free to contact with us.