Saturday, July 14, 2018

How Do We Make Decission


Some of your decisions will be so routine that you make them without giving them much thought. But difficult or challenging decisions demand more consideration. These are the sort of decisions that involve:
Uncertainty – Many of the facts may be unknown.
Complexity – There can be many, interrelated factors to consider.
High-risk consequences – The impact of the decision may be significant.
Alternatives – There may be various alternatives, each with its own set of uncertainties and consequences.
Interpersonal issues – You need to predict how different people will react.
When you’re making a decision (1) that involves complex issues like these, you also need to engage your problem-solving, as well as decision-making skills. It pays to use an effective, robust process in these circumstances, to improve the quality of your decisions and to achieve consistently good results.A logical and ordered process can help you to do this by making sure that you address all of the critical elements needed for a successful outcome.
Working through this process systematically will reduce the likelihood of overlooking important factors. Our seven-step approach takes this into account:
  1. Create a constructive environment.
  2. Investigate the situation in detail.
  3. Generate good alternatives.
  4. Explore your options.
  5. Select the best solution.
  6. Evaluate your plan.
  7. Communicate your decision, and take action.

Here are some keys on how to make a decision without regret:
Have a Life Vision:
A life vision should be the foundation and reference point for every decision you make. In your deepest dreams, how do you envision your life in all areas(2)career, relationships, finances, lifestyle, etc.  What core values define this vision for you? Make a point of writing down your vision and the values that define it. Refine the vision over time as necessary.
Then when a big decision comes along, you can use this vision as a guide.  If you deviate too far from the vision, it will cause you eventual pain and regret. Evaluate your choices based on your vision. Which one is in closest alignment with your vision?
Accept that making important decisions can be hard:  
Big decisions often have big, long-lasting consequences. Even when the outcome is happy, you may have doubts. And some decisions can be heart wrenching to make, even when you’re certain your choice is for the best(3) Instead of wishing a big decision were easier, honor the fact that it’s not, nor should it be. Embrace the thoughts and feelings you have as a testament to the significance of this crossroads.
Understanding the source of your Fear:              

Journaling about your fears may help you to start to understand them and make a better decision as a result. Start by writing about the decision you need to make. Describe or list everything that you are worried about regarding this decision. Allow yourself to vent about these fears without judging yourself for having them(4,5)
For example, you might start your journal by asking yourself, “What is the decision that I need to make and what am I afraid might happen if I make the wrong choice?”
Once you have written about the decision you need to make and why you have fear regarding that decision, take it a step further. Try to identify the worst case scenario(6) for each and every possible choice
For example” if you need to decide between staying full time at your job or taking a part-time job in order to spend more time with your kids, think about what the worst case scenario of each decision would be.
If you chose to keep the full time job, the worst case scenario might be that you miss out on important moments in your children’s development and that your children resent you for this when they are older.
If you choose to keep the part time job, the worst case scenario might be that you might not be able to pay the bills each month.
Talk to a friend or family member:
Carefully select two or three trusted friends or family(7,8) members whose opinion and judgment you value. Tell them about your life vision, show them your list of pros and cons and ask for their input about your decision. Someone who is removed from the turmoil of the decision and who has a different perspective can help you see things in a clearer light. A personal coach also can help you gain clarity around your decision by asking you pointed questions related to your motivations, feelings, and desires (9)

Limit the Amount of Information You Take In:
It's a pretty common idea that the more information you have, the better decisions you can make(10) However, at some point, you cross a threshold where you have too much information. It's one of those dumb tricks our brains pull on us that are hard to counteract.When we have too much information, we start to fill in gaps and add weight to information that doesn't matter. Psychology today explains what's going on:

The human mind hates uncertainty. Uncertainty implies volatility, randomness, and danger(11) When we notice information is missing, our brain raises a metaphorical red flag and says, "Pay attention. This could be important..." When data is missing, we overestimate its value. Our mind assumes that since we are expending resources locating information, it must be useful.

This information comes in all forms. It might be that you've done so much research about a topic that you've passed the point of "educated decision" and moved onto too much information. Or it might be that you've sought out the advice of several friends, all of whom have given you different opinions. Regardless, when you have too much information on the table, you're making the decision process way more difficult.

In my own case, I certainly reached that point of information overload where I had too many facts and opinions in front of me. Cutting some of that out helped. Instead of talking with a bunch of friends I kept it to just a few whom I trust.
The other big realization I had with both bigger and smaller choices was that my decision was always reversible. With a lot of our decisions, we put more weight on them than they're worth. Yes, moving across the country to a new place is a big deal, but it's also totally reversible. If it sucks, you move again. Likewise, with smaller decisions, setting up a two minute rule to make the choice gets it out of the way so we can move on. Most decisions we make don't matter as much as we think they do, and recognizing that helps keep the amount of information you take in to a minimum.
Aim for integrity:
Aiming for integrity(12) means being true to your authentic self, your priorities, and your values. If an option requires that you compromise your ethics(13) downplay your priorities, or go against your nature(14) this is a red flag. Only consider options that are aligned with what’s truly important to you.such as
process plan is driven by Implementing the principles of Customer Focus, Leadership, Involvement of people, process approach, continual improvement, Factual approach to decision making, Mutually beneficial supplier relationships, high levels of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, statistical analysis to minimize defects in the processes to improve quality and total compliance with Data Security and information Security Management systems.
Stay Calm:
Riding high on emotions, either positive or negative, can impact your ability to make a rational decision. When you have any decision to make, the first step should generally be to stay as calm as possible. If you can't stay calm, put off making the decision until you're thinking clearly.(15)
Try taking a few deep breaths to help calm yourself down. If you have more time, go into a quiet room and do about 10 minutes of deep breathing exercises.
To perform deep breathing exercises, start by placing on hand on your belly below your ribcage and the other on your chest. When you inhale, you should feel your abdomen expand as well as your chest.(16)
Inhale slowly through your nose. Aim to inhale for a 4-count. Focus on the feeling of the breath as your lungs expand.
Hold the breath for 1-2 seconds.
Gently release the breath through your nose or mouth. Aim to exhale for a 4-count.
Repeat this process 6-10 times per minute for 10 minutes.
Don't Look Back:
If you have done the work, honored your vision, examined the pros and cons, sought guidance, done your due diligence, and connected with your intuition, then make your choice, take the leap and don't look back. There are millions of paths we can take in a lifetime, all leading to different opportunities and potential consequences. You won't have a guarantee, but you don't need one. Uncertainty is part of the adventure of life(17) Once 
you are on this new adventure, have confidence that you made the best decision with the information available, and move forward with a spring in your step. There is something good to be learned on every path we follow.
The ability to make a decision is the fuel for personal and professional growth. If you enter a decision with the knowledge that uncertainty is inevitable, and you accept you must decide in spite of uncertainty, then you will never get stuck.  By taking the steps outlined, you empower yourself to make an informed and thoughtful choice, leaving little room for future regret.
See Also:
  1. 10 Habits of Genuine People
  2. What is Personality Development?
  3. Learn the Important Skill
  4. How to improve your self Esteem
  5. Smart People Never Repeat Mistakes
  6. Smart People never repeat mistakes

Have a Backup Plan:

Thinking ahead may help you to feel less bothered by any possible negative outcomes. Make a backup plan to deal with your worst case scenario. Even if you are unlikely to need this plan, simply having a backup plan will help you to feel better equipped deal with the worst case scenario. People who are in leadership positions are expected to always have a backup plan because there is always a chance that something might go wrong. This strategy may be helpful for making minor decisions as well(18)
Having a backup plan will also allow you to respond to unforeseen challenges or setbacks with flexibility. Your ability to adapt to unexpected circumstances can directly affect your ability to succeed with your decisions.
Some Suggestion regarding making Decision:

The suggestion here(19) is simple: if you're making a decision between a few different options, throw in a new option that is essentially the exact opposite of what you'd normally do. Now, imagine yourself as if you'd already made that choice and you're living with that decision. For something like moving, it was about tossing in an extra couple places I had no desire to move to. Then, when I weighed my choices, I had a few options I'd never even considered. This forced my brain to challenge my assumptions about what mattered about the city I chose, what I was really looking for, and what details really mattered.
It might sound like you're just going to confuse yourself by adding in options that don't matter, but in certain cases—especially something like a move or even a career change—it's about thinking outside your comfort zone in order to make a better decision. If you need some help with that mental back flip, Psychology Today suggests asking yourself a few simple questions:
  1. List all your assumptions about your subject(20)
  2. Reverse each assumption. What is its opposite?
  3. Ask yourself how to accomplish each reversal.

The end result is a new viewpoint you might not have considered otherwise. You still might not go with that choice, but it can help you decide what you really want in a decision(21)
If you like to say anything regarding this, then please do mention it in the comments section. It belongs to you all. Always feel free to contact with us.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds


What are chia seeds and where do they come from?
Chia seeds are the tiny black seeds from the Salvia hispanica plant, a member of the mint family which comes from Central and South America. Legend has it that the ancient Aztecs and Mayans used chia seeds as a source of energy.
Chia seeds have a reputation for being a “superfood”—and for a good reason: They may be tiny, but they pack a wallop of a nutritional punch(0,1)
In fact, just one spoonful of chia seeds—that’s .5 ounces, to be precise has just 69 calories, but boasts 5 grams of fiber, 4 grams of fat, and 2 grams of protein.
“You can find a lot of foods that are high in fiber and fat, but chia seeds have these benefits in a very small package,” says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, a dietitian and author of The Superfood Swap. “I think that’s what makes them super.”

Nutritional benefits of chia seeds:

For such a small seed, chia seeds contain some important nutrients.
Chia seeds are rich in fibre – which helps with satiety, the feeling of fullness. A 25g portion of chia seeds contains approximately 9g of fibre. The daily recommended amount of fibre is 30g, so including a 25g portion of chia seeds each day could be a useful contribution. Fibre is important for a healthy digestive system and many of us do not reach the recommended target.
Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory effects, as well as enhancing brain and heart health. Chia seeds contain omega-3 in the plant form: alpha linolenic acid (ALA). It is much harder for humans to convert ALA into the form preferred by the body: DHA. Therefore the omega-3 content of chia seeds, compared to animal sources such as oily fish, is low. For those who do not eat fish, chia seeds are a welcome addition to the diet, but it’s important to recognize that conversion to DHA is minimal.
Chia seeds are relatively high in protein(2)– so are a useful source of plant protein and provide a range of amino acids, particularly for vegetarian and vegan diets(3)
The combination of fat, protein and fiber means the seeds are digested relatively slowly, providing long, slow release of energy to keep blood-sugar levels stable.
Seeds are rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium and trace elements such as manganese, which helps make enzymes.
Being rich in so many key nutrients, research has uncovered that regularly eating chia seeds can improve your health in numerous ways. Some of the top chia seeds benefits are:
Best Source of Antioxidant:
Another area where chia seeds shine is in their high amount of antioxidants (4,5).These antioxidants protect the sensitive fats in the seeds from going rancid (6).
Although antioxidant supplements are not very effective, getting antioxidants from foods can have positive effects on health,Most importantly, antioxidants fight the production of free radicals, which can damage molecules in cells and contribute to aging and diseases like cancer (9)
Anti Aging:
Researchers from Mexico uncovered that chia seeds had a total natural phenolic (antioxidants) concentration nearly two times higher than previously reported, and the antioxidant activity was shown to stop up to 70 percent of free radical activity. (10)
This research essentially proves that chia seeds are one of nature’s riches high-antioxidant foods. Antioxidants speed up the skin’s repair systems and prevent further damage. Taking chia seeds can prevent premature skin aging due to inflammation and free radical damage.
Weight Loss:
Foods that are high in fiber help people to feel full for longer, and they are usually lower in calories. Increased fiber intake and a high fiber diet have been shown to help with weight loss(11)
Aside from chia seeds' fiber content, their high levels of omega-3-fatty acids(12) and alpha-linoleic acid may be useful for weight loss. Because chia seeds are so good at absorbing water, it’s thought that they can boost your satiety: “They actually expand and get this gelatinous consistency that helps people stay full a little bit longer,” says Gidus Collingwood. And, of course, the high fiber content can help fill you up, too.
However, evidence is scant. A review, published in the Journal of Obesity, concludes that "there is limited data to suggest the use of chia seeds for weight loss.(13)
Another study, published in Nutrition Research, concludes that, in overweight adults, chia seeds have "no influence on body mass or composition, or various disease risk factor measures (14)
Strong Bones:
Chia seeds are high in phosphorus and magnesium,two minerals that can help keep our bones healthy, says Tara Gidus Collingwood, RDN, a dietitian and author of Flat Belly Cookbook for Dummies. In a 2015 study published in the Nutrition Journal, people who had the highest intakes of phosphorus had a 45 percent lower risk of osteoporosis than those with the lowest intakes(15)
One tablespoon of chia seeds contains 122 milligrams of phosphorus and 47 milligrams of magnesium,about 17 percent and 15 percent of your recommended daily intake, respectively.
Digestive Health:
Chia is super-high in fiber, providing nearly 11 grams per ounce. One serving can provide the recommended fiber intake for the day, according to the American Dietetic Association.Fiber is essential for your body’s ability to balance insulin levels. According to the National Institutes of Health.
Seeds like flax and chia can be a natural blood sugar balancer due to their high fiber content and healthy fats.Being high in dietary fiber, chia seeds benefits bowel regularity and healthy stool. The rich fiber content in chia seeds also helps people feel more full quicker because it absorbs a considerable amount of water and immediately expands in the stomach when eaten. (16
This may explain why clinical studies have proved that chia curbs hunger and suppresses appetite, which can also lead to weight loss. (17)Also when consumed, chia seeds create a gelatin-like substance in the stomach. This gel-forming action is due to the soluble fiber in chia seeds, and it can work as a prebiotic that supports the growth of probiotics in the gut.
See Also:
  1. How to lose 20 Pounds in 3 weeks
  2. How to get Rid of Constipation naturally
  3. Health Benefits of drinking water
  4. Home Remedies to Cure Mouth Ulcer
  5. Walking Benefits for healthy lifestyle

Heart Health:
Chia seeds’ ability to reverse inflammation, regulate cholesterol and lower blood pressure make it extremely beneficial to consume for heart health. (18) Also, by reversing oxidative stress, someone is less likely to develop atherosclerosis when he or she regularly consumes chia seeds.
Stay Hydrate:
Because chia seeds absorb thirty times their weight in water, they help regulate body fluid levels and retain electrolytes, both key in the battle against dehydration. For long workouts in high heat and humidity, chia seeds are a handy way to prolong hydration(19) Reduces inflammation and joint pain.
Major Improvements in Type 2 Diabetics:
The most successful application of chia seeds to date was in a study on type 2 diabetic patients(20).In this study, 20 diabetic patients received either 37 grams of chia seeds, or 37 grams of wheat bran, for 12 weeks(21).
When they got the chia seeds, they saw improvements in several important health markers.Blood pressure went down by 3-6 mm/Hg and an inflammatory marker called hs-CRP went down by 40%. A risk factor called vWF also decreased by 21%.
There was also a small drop in blood sugar, but it wasn't statistically significant.given that chia seeds are high in fiber, it does seem plausible that they could help reduce blood sugar spikes after meals, but this needs to be confirmed in studies.
If you like to say anything regarding this, then please do mention it in the comments section. It belongs to you all. Always feel free to contact with us.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Home Remedies for Constipation

Are you looking for ways to get rid of constipation fast? You’re not alone as constipation is one of the most common medical conditions in the western world.If you’re reading this, then I’m guessing you are feeling very uncomfortable right now. Hopefully, I can help you feel better by giving you a list of natural remedies you can use to cure quickly your constipation. 
Constipation is more common in women, however men suffer from constipation too Constipation occurs most often because people don’t have enough fiber and/or water in their diet. Constipation can also occur as a result of too little exercise, or it can be a side effect of a number of different drugs. Everyone experiences this phenomenon from time to time
What is Constipation?

As food moves through the digestive system, it is liquefied so that the body can absorb nutrients. But the water is precious too, and must be reabsorbed. However, the digestive system cannot break all food down and so this then becomes a stool, or feces. The colon functions to recover water from the stool before it is pushed out through the rectum by intestine muscles in a bowel movement. This entire process should be easy and natural,
Constipation comes from when the muscles that work to push the stool through colon are not performing, resulting in irregular bowel movements that will cause your stool to be hard, dry and hard to pass (1)
The Different Types Of Constipation?
Many people do not know that constipation is an umbrella term that covers two different types: organic and functional. It is a good idea to be familiar with both of them (2)
Organic constipation:
is the result of various physical abnormalities or chronic llnesses.Organic constipation is less common, and its sufferers are likely seeing a doctor for it(3)
Functional constipation:
is caused by poor diet, insufficient water intake, or high stress. Constipation can also be caused by anal sex. This guide will cover functional constipation (4)
Causes of Constipation:
Constipation is most commonly caused by diets filled with processed food, and can be cured by a change of diet. Processed foods are usually calorie-rich but nutrition-poor. They are hard to break down, and can weaken the walls of the colon, making it hard to push stool through. This difficulty can cause your intestinal muscles to tire and eventually give up, resulting in constipation (5)
Here are 11 Surprising Home Remedies for Constipation Relief 
Olive Oil:
Pure olive oil is more than just a healthy and tasty fat, it can also help relieve constipation. It’s not surprising really when you consider what olive oil’s texture and consistency is like- it’s practically the poster child for constipation home remedies. It stimulates your digestive system,which helps get things moving through your colon(6)and taken regularly it can prevent constipation as well.
You will need:
  1. 1 tbsp,olive oil
  2. I tsp,lemon juice 
How to Use:
  1. Mix olive oil with lemon juice very well 
  2. In the morning consume this mixture before having or drinking
  3. You can take on daily basis until gets relief from constipation 
Drinking plenty of Water:
Hard, dry stools are a common cause of constipation, so the more water you add, the easier it will be to pass the stool. It’s especially important to drink more water when you increase the fiber in your diet.(7)
Men should aim to drink at least 13 cups (3 liters) of fluid per day. Women should aim for at least 9 cups (2.2 liters) of fluid per day.[8]Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages while you’re experiencing constipation. Caffeinated beverages like coffee and sodas, as well as alcohol, are diuretics. Diuretic dehydrate your body by causing fluid loss through increased urination. This may make constipation worse(9)(10)
Other fluids, such as juices, clear broths, and herbal teas are good sources of fluid. Avoid caffeinated teas. Pear and apple juices are mild natural laxatives 
The citric acid in lemon juice acts as a stimulant for your digestive system, and can also help flush out toxins and undigested material that may have built up along the walls of the colon. Mixing the juice with water not only lessens the intensity of the lemon flavor(11) but helps get you the fluids you need to get everything moving normally again.
What will need:
  1. 1,fresh lemon
  2. 1 cup,warm water
How to Use:
  1. In a cup of  water squeeze fresh lemon juice
  2. Mix it well
  3. Take in the morning in empty stomach
  4. You can take daily until gets relief 
Figs are very high in fiber and act as a natural laxative. Figs are rich in anthocyanins and polyphenols(12)It is used in traditional medicine for gastrointestinal and inflammatory disorders(13) Those suffering from chronic constipation should include figs in their diet.
For the treatment of constipation, both fresh and dried figs can be used.When fresh figs are available, eat them with their skin on. The skin contains most of the fiber and calcium. Fig paste has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment against constipation in animal models.
You will need:
  1. 3,almond
  2. 3,dried figs
  3. Honey optional
  4. Warm water
How to Use:
  1. Soak both almond and figs in the water for 2-3 hours
  2. Peel off the almonds
  3. Grind both almond and figs together as a fine powder
  4. Mix fig almond powder with honey
  5. Take before going to bed at night
  6. You keep continue until gets relief 
i      Fiber Intake:

  1.  Fiber acts like a pipe cleaner, scrubbing food and waste articles from your digestive tract and soaking up water. It adds bulk your stool,giving the muscles of your GI tract something to grab on to, so they can keep food moving along. Aim for 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day to stay regular(14) Foods particularly high in fiber include bran cereals,beans, lentils, oatmeal, 
  2.  Almonds, barley, many vegetables, and fresh and dried fruits. If      you’re constipated and taking in additional fiber, be sure to         drink more water than usual to keep your stool soft and easy to pass. try these ways to get more fiber into your diet without even trying
s     Exercise More:

  1. Studies on the effect of exercise on constipation have shown mixed results.In fact, many studies have shown that exercise does not affect the frequency of bowel movements(15)
  2. However, a recent randomized controlled study on constipated people with IBS found some interesting results. It found that exercise significantly reduced symptoms(16)
  3. While many studies have found that exercise does not affect the number of times people go to the bathroom, it seems to reduce some symptoms of constipation (17).If you are constipated, then try going for regular walks. It's definitely worth a try.
  1.  A lot of people love their morning coffee, but it does more than just give off heavenly aromas and help you perk up. Caffeine is a natural stimulant for the digestive system, so indulging in a cup of joe will help get you up and running in more ways than one(18)
  2. 1-2 cups is fine, but make sure you don’t overdo it-too much can actually have the opposite effect. Coffee is a diuretic and makes you urinate more frequently, and if you drink it an excess, it can cause constipation by dehydrating your body and drawing out water that would normally soften your stool.
  You will need:
  1. 1 cup,boiled water
  2. 2 tsp,coffee
  3. 1 tsp,sugar
  4. 3 tbsp,milk                   
Ho  How to Use:          
  1. In a coffee maker add water,coffee,milk and sugar
  2. Turn on the coffee maker
  3. Let it cook for 2-3 minutes
  4. Pour it out into a cup
  5. You can take once a week                        
        Mint or Ginger Tea:
  1. Mint and ginger are both proven home remedies to help alleviate a slew of digestive problems. Peppermint contains menthol, which has an antispasmodic effect that relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract(19
  2. Ginger is a “warming” herb that causes the inside of the body to generate more heat; herbalists say this can help speed up sluggish digestion. In tea, the hot water will also stimulate digestion and provide constipation relief. Dandelion tea is also a gentle laxative and detoxifier
      You will need:
  1. 1 cup,water
  2. 1 tsp,sugar or to taste
  3. ½ tsp,lemon
  4. ¼ inch,ginger piece
  5. 3-4,mint leaves
  6. 1/3 tsp,tea
Ho How to use:
  1. In a saucepan add water,ginger and mint leaves
  2. Bring it to boil let it cook for 10 minutes on low-medium flame
  3.  Then add tea leaves,sugar simmer it for 1 minutes on very low flame
  4. Pour it out into cup then add sugar and lemon
  5. Tasty and healthy tea can take daily if u have get relief from constipation yet you can take 
    Eat fewer low-fiber foods:

  1. Adding fiber to your diet won't help as much if you simply add it to the rest of your diet. Meat, cheese, and processed foods contain little to no fiber, and can lead to dry stools if they make up a large portion of your diet.(20)
  2. Eat these in small portions only while you are constipated, and try to replace some of them with fiber foods in your regular diet
  1. High in fiber, raisins also contain tartaric acid, which has a laxative effect. In one study, doctors determined that panelists who ate 4 1/2 ounces of raisins (one small box) per day had their digested food make it through the digestive track in half the time it took other subjects who did not.
  2. Cherries and apricots are also rich in fiber and can help kick your constipation(21) Eat these fruits with a bowl of yogurt for the added benefits of gut-soothing probiotics                     
  Avoid Dairy Products:

  1. Try doing without milk and other dairy products for a few days, to see if it helps. Many people have trouble digesting lactose, which can give them gas or constipation.(22)
  2. Most lactose intolerant people can still enjoy plain probiotic yogurt and hard cheeses 
       See Also:
