Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Home Remedies to Cure mouth Ulcer


Mouth ulcers are quite common and irritating. Soreness of the mouth that causes too much pain is called as a mouth ulcer. These painful open sores are white in color, surrounded by an inflamed red border. Mouth ulcers are also called as canker sores. These ulcers usually appear on the lips, tongue and inside the cheeks.
When the ulcer is about to occur, you feel burning and tingling sensation in the mouth. Ulcers are not contagious but, it always tends to recur. Ulcers can occur one at a time or in cluster. At some point we all suffered from those small but painful sores. Some of the causes include certain types of drugs, chemicals and infectious disease like herpes. They can be caused by a number of factors like
  1. Hormonal changes
  2. Excess acidity
  3. Unhygienic dental condition
  4. Food allergies
  5. Skin disease
  6. Disease in bowels
  7. Underlying disease
Types of  Mouth Ulcer:
There are 3 types of mouth ulcers minor, major and herpetiform.
1.Minor ulcer:
Minor canker sores are most common type of ulcers and are caused in almost 80 percent of the cases. Canker sores are small, oval and round in shape that usually heal within one to two weeks.
2.Major ulcer:
These types of ulcers are larger and deeper than minor ones. These types of ulcers occur in only 10 percent of the cases. They have irregular edges and it can take up to six weeks for them to heal.
This is very painful condition and caused by an infection by herpes simplex virus. It occurs in clusters of 10 to 100 and generally affects adults.
There are many ways by which you can cure mouth ulcers but, one of the best ways to treat mouth ulcers is natural treatment. So, here are some natural ingredients to treat mouth ulcers..

Home Remedies for  Mouth sores/ulcer are under below:

1>Baking Soda:
Baking soda is an alkaline and will neutralize acids that irritate the canker sore; it also helps kill bacteria to help your sore heal quickly. (1) Its antibacterial action will help you maintain oral hygiene For this canker sore remedy (2)try this home remedy
You Will Need:
  1. 1 tsp,baking soda
  2. ½,cup,warm water
How to Apply:
  1. In the warm add dissolve baking soda
  2. Mix well until dissolved
  3. Rinse your mouth with this solution
  4. Repeat this thrice during the day
2>Licorice Root:
Mouth ulcers can be cured with licorice root, as this herb works as a demulcent and forms a protective coating on the mucous membranes that resists irritation and soothes open lesions. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties(3)
You will need:
  1. 1 tbsp,licorice root crushed
  2. 2 cups,water
How to Apply:
  1. Soak licorice in the water for 2-3 hours
  2. Sieve the water & discard licorice root
  3. Use it as a mouth rinse
  4. Repeat it thrice times a day 
See Also
3>Orange Juice:
Orange juice is an acidic drink which can kill the bacteria causing the mouth ulcers and heal it(4)it has been seen that Vitamin C deficiency(5) can result in mouth ulcer.
You will need:
Fresh oranges/fortified orange juice
How to Use it:
  1. Drink two glasses of orange juice in a day.
  2. Repeat this every day until the mouth ulcer heals.
Salts are ionic compounds therefore they show ionic reactions which occur quickly and usually exothermic in nature. The reaction of salts with acids is double displacement reaction such as sodium chloride reacts with sulphuric acid to form sodium sulphate and hydrogen chloride(6)
The reason Salt has antiseptic properties and can help to heal the ulcer faster.(7)try this remedy before you eat lunch and dinner
You will need:
  1. ¼ tsp,Sea salt
  2. 1 cup,warm water
How to Use:
  1. In a cup of warm water add salt and mix it
  2. Gargle for a while
  3. Do the salt water gargle  a few times during a  day
5>Aloe Gel:

According to researchers, aloe vera speeds healing and reduces pain associated with canker sores and doesn’t sting or taste bad when applied. Aloe vera juice can be taken as a drink or gel can be applied topically, according to the researchers.aloe vera has been found effective in treating canker sores(8)
You will need:
  1. Aloe gel
  2. Cotton
How to Apply:
  1. Using a cotton swab
  2. Apply aleo gel directly to the canker sore
  3. Leave it on for 1-2 minutes
  4. More likely the aloe gel will dissolve in your saliva
  5. Afterward rinse your mouth
  6. Repeat it 4-5 times a day
6>Coconut Milk:
Coconut milk is the best way to give you relief from the pain of mouth ulcers (9)Dry coconut, coconut water and coconut milk are three products of coconut that can treat mouth ulcers very effectively.
1: Drinking coconut water helps to cool the body.
2: Gargle with fresh coconut milk in every three hours.
3: This will lessen the pain and boost up the healing process
4: Alternatively, massage coconut oil on your affected area.
7>Coriander seeds:
Coriander is a herb like parsley,It has got properties that help cure a number of ailments (10) An infusion of coriander seeds is an Ayurvedic remedy that can bring considerable relief and reduce inflammation, You need to get the seeds for treating ulcers in the mouth(11)
You will need:
  1. 1 tsp,coriander seeds
  2. 1 cup,water
How to Use:
  1. Heat the water then add coriander seeds
  2. Allow to boil it for 2-3 minutes
  3. Strain it out and keep the water
  4. Gargle your mouth with this liquid
  5. Repeat it thrice times a day
  6. Alternatively you can use honey and coriander seeds
  7. Add honey in the coriander powder
  8. Mix well until smooth paste
  9. Apply this mixture on the oral ulcer
  10. Repeat it twice a day  
8>Basil Leaves:
Basil leaves speed up the healing process for mouth ulcers. Furthermore, they have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties(12)
You will need:
  1. 5,Basil leaves
  2. 2 tbsp,water
How to Use:
Wash four or five leaves thoroughly
Chew the basil leave and sip a little water afterward
Do this twice a day, in the morning and evening.
9>Tea Bags:
Tea is an alkaline, so it will neutralize acids that irritate the sore; tea also contains compounds that may help relieve pain(13)
You will need:
Tea bags black/green
How to Apply:
  1. After making a cup of tea keep the wet tea bag in the refrigerator for 10 minutes
  2. Press the chilled, wet tea bag gently over the canker sore for about 10-12 minutes
  3. Repeat this twice times a day until canker sores healing..
One of the key properties of good toothpaste is its antimicrobial capacity (14). Applying this on the mouth ulcer will clear out the infection that is causing the ulcer.
You will need:
  1. Toothpaste
  2. Q-tip
How to Apply:
  1. Apply the paste on your ulcer using a Q-tip.
  2. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing your mouth.
  3. Do this every day until the whiteness of the ulcer disappears.
if you like to say anything regarding this, then please do mention it in the comments section. It belongs to you all. Always feel free to contact with us. and share it as well   

Hello and greetings, I am Sana Rasheed, a food blogger, YouTuber, photographer, and author behind the blog "My Yummy Traditional Foods". I started this food blog in February 2018. Here, you can find recipes with step-by-step photos to help you make delicious and tasty dishes. I offer a wide variety of recipes for all types of food. I have been passionate about cooking since childhood, and I believe in the values of honesty, hard work, and humor. Self-reliance is not about tackling everything on your own, but rather making practical choices to enhance your life. You can achieve it too.2190

